How to Apply
Those who reside in either Oxford Township or Village of Oxford are eligible for full service cards. Some Oxford mailing addresses are outside of the Library's legal service area. Please confirm against your tax bill, or contact the Library if you need assistance in verification.
Nonresidents may be eligible for certain borrowing privileges–please contact the library to ask. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to receive a card.
Apply in Person
Bring a picture ID with a current address to the library and complete and sign a library card application form to be on your way to checking out materials.
Apply Online
Fill out our online application form to start the process. Then bring your picture ID with current address to the library on your first visit to pick up your new card.
Borrowing Policies
Materials may be checked out by anyone with a current The Library Network (TLN) member library card, or a patron with a “MiLibrary Card” from a participating Michigan library. “MiLibrary Card” or “Mel Visiting Patron” guests are limited to 10 print material items only.
To be eligible for an Oxford Public Library card proof of residency must be provided. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in order to receive a card.
The Library Privacy Act prohibits the library from giving out any information regarding patrons or patron records. Anyone under 18 requires a parent’s or legal guardian’s signature on the application. Only the cardholder and signing parent or legal guardian may request information on an account.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to notify the library when a card is lost or stolen. If lost or stolen, a replacement card may be issued for a $3.00 processing fee.
- 3 weeks: most books. books on CD, non-fiction DVDs, random stuff, puzzles, special needs learning kits.
- 1 week: magazines, feature DVDs, puppets, media kits, music CDs.
- Any material marked Reference is for in-house use only.
Receipts for borrowed items are provided via email, text or paper at the time of checkout. Account information may be accessed at any time via the online portal.
Librarians may set limits on certain materials when special school assignments are given.
Most library materials will automatically renew before its due date to avoid possible late fees. Items will auto-renew if:
- It is eligible for renewal.
- The item does not have any outstanding holds.
- The item has not reached its limit of 2 renewals for a book or 1 for a feature DVD.
- An account does not have any blocks preventing renewals.
Auto-renewals will occur 3 days prior to an item’s due date. A notice will be sent to the borrower to this effect.
If an item cannot be renewed, the borrower will be notified according to the chosen notification method (email, text or phone).
Library materials may be returned via the 24-hour drop box located at the front of the building, or the indoor drop box located inside the vestibule lobby.
Library materials owned by Oxford Public Library are not subject to fines. Items borrowed from other libraries are subject to the owning library’s loan policies and may incur fines if returned late.
Lost or damaged materials will be assessed a replacement fee based on the lending library’s policy.